Caring for Others
Are you a carer? Find out about local advice and support services
A carer is someone who looks after and provides unpaid support for a friend or family member. Caring for someone can be a normal part of your life, and something that you accept as part of the everyday.
You may not see yourself as a ‘carer’, because the person you are looking after is a loved one, or someone you are in a relationship with; however it is important to recognise yourself as a carer so you are able to access the right benefits and support -as the caring role can bring with it stress, pressure and uncertainty.
At First Contact Plus, we can refer into VASL: Voluntary Action South Leicestershire. VASL runs a number of services including help and support for young and adult carers. Services include support groups for carers, a telephone befriending line and advice and information to help improve the general health and wellbeing of carers. Please click on the VASL advert logo below or in What’s in my area for more help and information.
Can’t find the information on the website or need further support? You can fill in our online form below (red self-referral button in the bottom right corner) and we will get back to you within two working days.