Are you struggling with money worries or concerned about debt?
It’s normal to feel worried, anxious or low when times are difficult. Job insecurity, job losses, financial problems and debt can all cause emotional distress.
There is a variety of help available which you can access below, in particular by looking at the links under What’s in my area; Leicestershire county.
First Contact Plus works closely with our partner Citizen’s Advice Bureau. They play an essential part in helping people by providing information and directing them to the best source of help.
Citizen’s Advice Bureau has general and specialist advisers; the service is free, independent, confidential and impartial. Advisers can help you to sort out debt worries, advise on legal matters, and also negotiate with companies or service providers such as creditors. Please click on the Citizen’s advice advert logo below.
Can’t find the information on the website or need further support? You can fill in our online form below (red self-referral button in the bottom right corner) and we will get back to you within two working days.