Maths and English Taster Courses – Coalville and Hinckley
16th April 2018 - 2nd July 2018, 10:00 am - 11:30 amThis 10 week course is for those students who have low confidence or have not been in learning for a long time, and are keen to start learning again and get a taste of what learning might be like.
Just choose one of the dates from the choice below. The courses are free.
There will be an opportunity after the course to enrol on Maths and English courses starting in September.
The course dates are:
Maths at Coalville Library : Tuesday 17th April to 26th June , 10 till 11.30am
English at Coalville Library: Friday 20th April to 29th June, 10 till 11.30am
Maths at Hinckley Library: Monday 16th April to 2nd July, 10 till 11.30am
English at Hinckley Library: Thursday 19th April to 28th June, 1 till 2.30 pm
For further details or how to enrol please call the West Adult Learning Team on:
0116 305 3829 (for Coalville) or 0116 305 3901 (for Hinckley).
Please see the following attachment: Tasters Hinckley and Coalville 2018_v3