Managing Personal Care

Managing Personal Care

Struggling around the home? (washing, dressing, getting in and out of bed).

Get help with looking after yourself, meals, moving around and staying safe in your own home. You may need help at home because of a disability, illness or because you’re unable to do some things for yourself any more.

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You can get help to live as healthy and independently as possible, for example –help with:

  • washing, dressing, accessing the toilet known as Personal Care assistance
  • laundry and shopping known as Domestic assistance
  • getting equipment to help you stay independent such as grab rails and bathing equipment

Coming out of hospital

When you come out of hospital, you may be able to get help at home to do things for yourself again. Hospital staff will decide if you need help and what you need.

Paying for help at home

You’ll get a personal budget to pay for help at home. You may have to pay something towards it. We will do a financial assessment to work out how much you have to pay.

Equipment and home adaptations

You can get equipment and changes to your home – ‘home adaptations’ – to help you live more comfortably, safely and independently

Restart help at home

If you’ve had help at home from us before, you may be able to get it again but you’ll need to get a new assessment

More information on Adult social care (assessments etc.) can be found in What’s in my area below.

Can’t find the information on the website or need further support? You can fill in our online form below (red self-referral button in the bottom right corner) and we will get back to you within two working days.


Additional information

I am very grateful to you for the valuable service you provide. I live in Nottingham so am not familiar with the way that Leicestershire County Council operates nor the various facilities and services that are available so your help in arranging a referral to DWP for my mother earlier this year, together with pointing me in the right direction for an Adult Care assessment, has been invaluable.

Richard - Nottingham