Lifeline and Assistive Technology
Help is available with equipment or technology to stay independent at home.
If you feel vulnerable, and in need of some extra support and peace of mind, Lifeline and Assistive Technology services are available to help you.
Assistive Technology equipment helps you do everyday activities that are difficult or have become difficult. They support you to stay safe and independent in your own home for as long as possible.
A Lifeline Alarm, which can also be known as a Community Alarm, is a 24 hour emergency response service to help you remain independent in your home. It provides the comfort of knowing that if you are in need of support at a particular time you can receive appropriate help.
Lifeline services are a paid for service and can be provided both locally or nationally. Within Leicestershire every council provides a Lifeline service for its residents whether internally or through another local provider. In addition, dependent on whether a family member has served in the armed forces you may be able to receive a Lifeline service from the Royal British Legion.
Alternatively, if you do not wish to pay a monthly instalment for a Lifeline services you can purchase emergency phones which can be programmed to alert a carer or family member. These phones can be purchased from various high street and online stores.
Can’t find the information on the website or need further support? You can fill in our online form below (red self-referral button in the bottom right hand corner) and we will get back to you within two working days.
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