Previously Fallen
Do you have a history of falls in the previous year?
As you get older, things that you have done easily throughout your life can get a little trickier. You may already be aware of things getting more difficult and would like support or information. You may be on lots of different medication, you may sometimes feel a little more drowsy than usual, changes may have occurred in the way you walk (being off balance or more of an effort than before). Perhaps your confidence has changed and you are nervous about falling?
You can make simple changes to your home which will help reduce your risk of falls. They could be changes such as daily living aids and equipment that make it easier for you to remain independent and safe in your own home. Many of these can be purchased either through high street or online stores. Below you will find a link to Safe and well which gives you clear guidance as to what daily living aids may be most appropriate to you. Within Leicestershire each District also provide a Lifeline service which may also be of benefit to you and further information can be found in the Lifeline Section of our website.
In addition, if you are over 65 the NHS run a Falls programme to help you work on balance, build your strength, and increase your confidence. If you would like to be referred for this programme please contact us on the details at the bottom of this page.
Can’t find the information on the website or need further support? You can fill in our online form below (red self-referral button in the bottom right corner) and we will get back to you within two working days.