Hinckley Library – Events & Activities – Nov/Dec
1st November 2017 - 31st December 2017, All Day
Hinckley Library Tel: 0116 305 2500
Colouring For Grown-Ups: An informal group for those wishing to do some colouring in a friendly and relaxed environment. Materials provided for this drop in free session. EVERY MONDAY, 1.00pm-2.30pm.
Hinckley Wriggly Readers: Stories and rhymes for 0-4 year olds and their parents and carers. Tickets are needed for the session – collect from the help-point on Tuesday mornings from 10am. EVERY TUESDAY, 10.30-11.00am
Make Friends With a Book: Simply drop in, sit down with a cuppa and relax as you listen to a good story or poem. A place to relax, a chance to make new friends, and a new way to enjoy shared reading with no pressure to read or talk. FREE. EVERY TUESDAY, 10.30am-12.00noon
Hinckley Library Scrabble Group: Meets in the library EVERY TUESDAY, 1.30-3.30pm. More members welcome.
Your Library, Your Workclub: Informal, drop in session offering help with CV’s, cover letters, IT skills, business start-up advice and much more. EVERY WEDNESDAY, 10am-12noon.
Hinckley Scribblers — Local Writing Group: Informal group for anyone wishing to discuss creative writing in a friendly atmosphere. No need to book, just turn up. Meets EVERY FRIDAY, 10.30am-12.30pm.
Construction Club: Get creative playing with our LEGO! £1 per child, pre-booking essential. All families welcome. Saturday 11th & 25th November and 9th December, 10.30am-12 noon.
Carers’ Coffee Morning: Come along to our Carers’ coffee morning, meeting on the second Monday of the month in our browser area. Enjoy a cuppa and a chat, everyone is welcome. Mon 13th Nov & Mon 11th Dec 10.30am-12.00noon.
Craft and Chat: Join us for a cuppa and a craft at the Library! Meet new friends and learn new skills. £2 per session. Over 65’s welcome. Wednesday 15th & 29th November and 13th December, 2-4pm.
Listen While You Lunch: ‘Polly Put the Kettle On: A Talk About Tea’, with Elizabeth Riding. Tickets £3 members/£4.50 non-members, includes refreshments. Booking essential. Friday 17th November, 12-1pm.
Christmas Hamper Prize Draw: Weds 1st Nov-Mon 18th Dec. Enter our free prize draw every time you borrow 4 items and be in with a chance to win a hamper of food worth over £50! Over 18s only.
Elf on the Shelf Prize Draw: Fri 1st Dec – Mon 18th Dec. Find Dewey the Elf, borrow 4 items and enter our prize draw to win a hamper of goodies! Two hampers available – ages 4 and under and ages 5 and up.
Christmas Choir Showcase: Enjoy performances from 5 local schools, have your face painted and browse the Christmas craft stall. Refreshments available all day. No need to book – just turn up! Free entry for all. Saturday 2nd December, 10am-3pm.
Hour of Code: Have fun learning about coding and using programming logic. Free session for 8-12 year olds. We will be doing two different projects so you can book onto just one session or both! Limited spaces must be pre-booked. Monday 4th and/or Tuesday 5th December, 4.30pm-5.30pm.
Listen While You Lunch: ‘Six Pairs of Knickers and a Fur Coat: Memories of Grandma in the 1950’s, with Sandra Maydwell. Tickets £3 members/£4.50 non-members, includes tea and coffee. Pre-booking essential. Friday 15th December, 12noon-1pm.
Location details
Hinckley Library
Lancaster Rd
LE10 0AT