Preventing Falls
Support is available to help you prevent falls.
If you have fallen in the last year, or are worried about falling; there is support and information available. You can make simple changes to your home which will help reduce your risk of falls. If you have fallen in the past, these changes and improvements can also help your fear of falling, and increase your confidence around the home.
Some older people may be put off by asking their GP and other support services about preventing falls, because they believe they won’t be taken seriously. However, falls in older people are taken very seriously because of the huge impact they can have on a person’s health and wellbeing.
First Contact Plus works with the NHS Falls team. This team includes a range of staff, which offers a consultant/therapy clinic, falls programme, referral to any relevant agencies to support you with other needs, provide you with equipment, advice and education. The Falls programme can help you to:
- Prevent further falls through exercise and education
- Increase confidence/maintain independence
- Increase mobility/strength
- Improve balance
- Have a safer home environment
Within Leicestershire there are Steady Steps Programmes for individuals who are worried about the risk of falling and want to improve their balance with low intensity exercise. The programme is a 24 week course and with the help of instructors can help people over the age of 65 increase their independence, confidence and balance to prevent future falls.
Top tips to help prevent falls:
1. Look after your feet:
- Make sure your shoes/slippers hold your foot firmly in place, and avoid narrow heels, open backs or worn out soles
- See a podiatrist if your feet are painful
2. Stay Well:
- Keep eating healthily, and don’t go for long periods between meals
- Drink enough water – a safe range to aim for is about 3 pints total per day (4 pints in hot weather or when actively exercising) which includes all drinks taken
- Always take your medicines on time and as prescribed. Potential side effects of medications can be dizziness/light headedness, disturbed balance or drowsiness
3. Look after your eyes:
- Have your eyes tested regularly (every two years if under 70, annually thereafter) – it’s free if you’re over 65
- Look after your glasses, and clean them often
4. Stay active, stay steady:
- Try to keep doing things every day, it will help you maintain balance and muscle strength
- Continue with any exercises you have been advised to do
5. Look after your home:
Look out for hazards:
- Worn floor coverings, or curled up edges of mats/rugs
- Tripping hazards – including clutter, trailing cables, dark coloured pets
- Poor lighting – on the stairs of at night near the bathroom
- Low beds and chairs – make getting up a struggle
- Slippy floors in kitchens and bathrooms
- Keep your home warm
Can’t find the information on the website or need further support? You can fill in our online form below (red self-referral button in the bottom right corner) and we will get back to you within two working days.
Additional information
What's in My Area:
Having First Contact Plus’s input has made such a positive and long lasting difference to my life. Since being assessed by First Contact Plus and their Partners I have been awarded Attendance Allowance, attended the Falls Clinic and had a ramp installed at my property. I now have the ability to be able to pay for services I need through Attendance Allowance, the ability to do things that I did not feel that I could do previously, and the confidence to walk into town whenever I want. I am also going to Falls Prevention Classes for 24 weeks in Ibstock. I would recommend this service 100% and more.